
We Are Delighted To Share This Big News.

We are delighted to share this big news. Netclues is now an official ICANN Accredited member, a major stepping stone in the company's development.

We Are Delighted To Share This Big News.

ICANN Accreditation is a significant milestone for Netclues and tells the online community that we are serious about the internet and assures clients that we maintain best practise and quality standards when it comes to website, online marketing & domain name registration.

Jay Mehta from Netclues says

"It´s taken many months of hard work to ensure we could meet the strict ICANN accreditation criteria, and we feel this will be of real benefit to ourselves and ultimately our customer. Our next phase of development would include creating a front end registry for our customers to register domains directly through us."


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the non-profit corporation that was formed to assume responsibility for the IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management. You can find more information regarding this organization by visiting their website at


This mean cost savings & better service to you. When you register a domain with us, we no longer need to use a middleman to process, we will process it ourself which means our customers get better costs & greater control on their website & domains.

Why to buy a domain from an ICANN domain registrar?

It is highly recommend to purchase a domain from ICANN Accredited Registrar, we have made a list of top 5 reasons below.