Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Our cutting-edge digital solutions and services have been helping businesses across the world to mitigate modern business challenges with a modern digital-first approach

The listed terms and conditions apply to all the clients buying products and services of Netclues whether or not they have signed a written agreement.

Quotation and Payment

  • Netclues may provide an initial quote or estimate to the client for a particular service or product upon request based on the understanding of your requirement. However, the final price may vary from the initial quotation depending on the addition in the scope of work.
  • The acceptance of quotation offered by Netclues for the project will also be deemed as the acceptance of and agreement to the terms and conditions stated hereby.
  • Netclues offers 60 days time period to clients for meeting the payment obligation of the requested project, starting from the day the deal is finalized. Late payment will attract surcharge and a temporary retention of services till the payment is recovered fully.
  • Netclues holds the right to increase the prices of services and products offered to stay in line with the changing inflation rate each year.
  • Promotional coupons and offers availed from any third party can be used not more than once. Any two coupons or offers cannot be merged or combined when employing our services.


  • Netclues operates in good faith and makes every effort to deliver the project within a specified time but reasonable delays may occur depending on the modifications or changes required by the client. In the event that there is a delay in the completion of the project, Netclues will intimate the client of such delays. Netclues will not be held liable for any unforeseen delays that affect the completion of the project unless explicitly stated in the written contract.
  • In the event where client is required to provide the content which may include but is not limited to logo, written material, printable content and photographs and fails to render it for the project within the pre-decided timeline or any delays are incurred from the client's end which result in the non-completion of project in the specified time, Netclues reserves the right to surcharge and/or extend the completion date of the project.
  • The client is expected to disclose the full picture of the work and communicate all the requirements along with the flow, guidelines and specifics if any, clearly in the quotation/estimation and ensure that Netclues has understood them accurately. In the event that no details or instructions are provided, Netclues will proceed with its understanding of requirements and quote accordingly. If any discrepancy arises later due to unclear requirements, the cost will not be borne by Netclues.
  • Any changes in the approved design or re-work on the completed task may attract additional costs.
  • In the event where the content is provided by the client to Netclues for the website, marketing purpose or any other service stated in the contract, it will be assumed that the content is original and not copied from elsewhere and hence, is free from any copyright infringement.
  • All the communications are majorly done via email. It is the client's responsibility to keep us updated with an active and relevant email address.


  • The client takes full responsibility for data that he or she collects in the context of using a service or product of Netclues. The client also agrees that the data processed using the product or services of Netclues are not unlawful or cause an infringement of any third-party rights.
  • Personal details like email id, generated leads and any other information of the client or client's website is automatically stored in the Netclues database through PowerPanel. In no way will Netclues sell or misuse the data of the client.
  • The licensed PowerPanel designed by Netclues can be used only for the domain for which it was created. If somehow the client gets access to the PowerPanel code, he/she will under no circumstance copy it and use it to his or her own benefit, for redistribution purpose or for any other purpose apart from which it was originally created. This will be counted as an infringement of the contract with Netclues and Netclues reserves the right to terminate the service and/or and/or take necessary legal action.

Website Maintenance and Support

  • The Maintenance and Support services of Netclues include but are not limited to detecting bugs, maintaining the server, server upgradation, website updates and more...
  • Any development faults with plugins or themes used to create the website and hosting issues are not included in the maintenance and support agreement of Netclues. The client will have to pay separate charges for these services.
  • The team at Netclues will ensure to rectify any bug or issue found on the website. This doesn't liberate the client from communicating or reporting any issue he or she came across.
  • Netclues allocates the certain number of hours (as per the quotation) for maintenance of the client's website every month. Netclues doesn't formally carry forward the unutilized hours to the succeeding month. However, we allow flexibility in good faith sometimes.
  • Products or services of Netclues are subject to future upgradation as and when the updates are introduced. Once the project is completed and has been approved by the client, the responsibility to maintain and update the website plugins and themes is of client's unless a written agreement for maintenance and support services has been signed between the client and Netclues.

Third Party Services

  • Netclues will include an additional charge for the setup and maintenance of third party services such as those offered by MailChimp, HubSpot, Google, Bing and more in the quotation. However, Netclues will not be responsible in any way for the non-performance, cancellation or any other changes in the provision by the third-party that might interrupt the service.

Website Development and Design

  • Unless agreed that Netclues will liable to add the website content on its own (which include additional cost), the client must provide the required content which includes but is not limited to photographs, company logo, written material and printable content, within the pre-decided timeline to avoid any delay in the completion of project. In the event where the client fails to do so, Netclues reserves the right to surcharge and/or renegotiate on the project completion date.
  • Netclues will not be responsible for updating the plugins or themes used to design the CMS website unless the maintenance and support service of Netclues has been opted by the client. However, a separate quote for such a service can be requested by the client.
  • In the event where the blogs, website content, photographs, videos and any other content is provided by the client, the client agrees that the content is original and owned by the client and is free of copyright infringement.
  • Netclues will not be responsible if the designed website ceases to work or has faults over the time as a result of becoming outdated. This can be due to various reasons like outdated coding, new browser software, etc. The client is required to employ Netclues for either website redevelopment or maintenance service to avoid this.
  • Netclues will not be liable for open source software like Wordpress, Joomla, Open Source carts, etc. The client is responsible to take regular backups to avoid loss of data and check for updates in third-party software.
  • Netclues employs the best security measures like using security plugins to prevent the integrity of the website or software. However, Netclues doesn't guarantee the protection of website from hackers, virus and data deletion. In any case, Netclues will not be liable for any such damage.

GDPR Compliance

  • General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR Law is mandatory for all the companies that directly or indirectly store information of their website visitors, who fall under the regime of European countries. Netclues should in no way be considered as a substitute for a legal advisor. The client must consult the legal advisor to make the website 100% GDPR compliant. Netclues will not be liable for any damage or loss incurred for non-compliance of GDPR laws.

SEO and Digital Marketing Terms and Conditions

  • Netclues constantly tries to ensure high ranking of the client's website by contriving efficient SEO and digital marketing strategies that are in line with the current best practices if hired by the client to do these services. However, Netclues does not guarantee the ranking of the client's website in the search engines. The algorithms of search engines are subject to constant updates due to which the ranking and traffic may fluctuate.
  • Once the client's contract with Netclues comes to an end, it is the client's responsibility to ask for all the required business credentials like Gmail and Youtube account of the client. If not asked within 30 days, Netclues will not be responsible for the loss of such credentials, as we do not store any information once the services are terminated.

Content Marketing

  • Unless agreed in writing, newsletter, blogs or any other required content will be provided by the client within the decided time frame. The client agrees that the content - written material, photographs, videos and any other content provided by the client are original and free of any copyright infringements.
  • In the event where the content is to be provided by Netclues, the client needs to brief about the guideline and/or any special requirement for it at the time of quotation. Any additional modification or changes in the finalized content will lead to surcharge and/or delay in the completion date.


  • Netclues will take effective measures and make best efforts to fix the cause of disruption in the client's website and minimize the downtime. However, Netclues will not be responsible to compensate for any loss that the client faces due to downtime in the hosting of the website. This is applicable only to the clients who opted for Netclues hosting and maintenance service.
  • Netclues will fully cooperate with the client's decision to move to another web server supported by another provider after Netclues recovers the full outstanding amount for the services rendered to the client.
  • Login details and passwords must be kept secure and confidential. Netclues will not be liable for any hacks caused in the email account and/or website. Netclues will troubleshoot problems reported by the client, but the client will have to pay additional charges if the issue is not caused due to an omission by Netclues.

General Service Disclaimer

  • The client understands and agrees that Netclues will not be responsible for any exclusions, bans or restrictions imposed at any time for any time period on the client's website by the third-party resources. Furthermore, Netclues is not accountable for the changes in the policies of Google, third party search engines, directories and/or other websites.
  • Netclues is liable to provide all the services and features as approved by the client. In no event shall Netclues be responsible for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages, including without limitation damages for loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of data or loss of use, incurred by The Client apart from the service not delivered or features not implemented correctly by Netclues. The aggregate and cumulative liability of Netclues for direct and proven damages hereunder shall in no event exceed the amount of fees actually paid by the client for this Project. The settlement of any issues or disputes will be in compliance with Cayman Arbitration law.
  • During the agreement duration, any changes directed to improve the existing plan, design or otherwise will be made only after the client and Netclues reach a decision mutually. No changes will be implemented by the client without discussing it with Netclues.
  • Netclues reserves the right to display the design, graphic, SEO, marketing or any other work done for the client in our portfolio.
  • Netclues tries to provide maximum support and efficiency to ensure seamless services and products. However, in uncontrollable circumstances such as tsunami or earthquake which are acts of God, the damage caused to any product or interruption in any service will not be considered as the liability of Netclues. Netclues will do everything in its power to help client recover the data, but doesn't guarantee of the same in some extreme cases.
  • No Modification of Confidential Information. The Receiving Party will not copy, decompile, modify, reverse engineer, or create derivative works out of any Confidential Information without the Disclosing Party's written consent.
  • Term of Confidentiality Trade Secrets. In connection with Confidential Information that constitutes a trade secret, the obligation of confidentiality will continue until that information is no longer a trade secret.

Copyright Clause

  • The source code of, and script and CSS used in all the website web pages will continue to remain the intellectual property of Netclues until the full payment for the same is received by the client. In no case must it be used or copied by anyone without the consent of Netclues.
  • The client agrees to provide the content that is original or has taken the permission of concerned third party for the copyrighted content. Furthermore, the client grants Netclues the right to publish and use the content provided by the client. The client will in no way blame or hold Netclues responsible for any copyright infringement associated with the use of such content and agrees to take the responsibility for loss or damage caused due to client's own negligence or inability to obtain the copyright permission for content.
  • The client agrees not to disclose or make available all or any part of the confidential information including but not limited to documents, information and specifications of Netclues campaigns to any outside party, directly or indirectly, at any time during or after the term of this agreement.
  • The client's content including but not limited to logo, workplace images, written material and more belongs to the client and under no circumstances, Netclues will reuse this content without the consent of the client.

Termination of Service

  • The client can cancel any products or services of Netclues at any time by providing a cancellation request in writing to Netclues 90 days in advance. During the cancellation period, Netclues reserves the right to remove any software, resource or any other proprietary asset owned by the company as well as remove the links, content, account etc


  • Netclues reserves the right to suspend services rendered to the client if Netclues has not been compensated for the services within the stipulated time frame. In addition, Netclues may also charge interest on the outstanding amount.
  • In the event that client goes into liquidation, Netclues holds the right to terminate the agreement with the client and be compensated for the work done till the date of termination of such services.
  • If the client fails to compensate Netclues for the services offered, Netclues reserves the right to terminate the agreement and/or remove the equipment, software or any other resources of the company and/or take the legal course.


We constantly look out for ways to take our high-level services to new heights. In case of any query or feedback on our services, feel free to contact our support team.

Please Note - The terms and conditions are subject to updates without any prior notice.